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Follow the progress of your students

Git4School is a dashboard for supporting teacher interventions in Software Engineering courses.

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Getting started


Git4School is an application that helps teachers follow the progress of their students during practical work sessions using Github. From the monitoring over time of student commits to the completion rate of each question by the TP group, as well as the distribution of the types of commits of each student (before / after a correction…), the teacher has access to several tools to best support his students during the practical work sessions.

A little bit of vocabulary

In Git4School, you will manage assignments.

  • An assignment is a collection of repositories, milestones, and sessions, along with metadata (start date, end date, title, questions, …). An assignment can be thought of as a class that can be separated into several groups that have the same work to do.
  • A repository is a git repository hosted on Github. In the tool, we assume that a repository represents the work of a student.
  • The milestones are divided into 3 categories :
    • a review milestone, a phase where students share pieces of their code and the teacher can correct parts of the subject
    • a correction milestone, a phase where the complete correction of the subject is given to the students
    • an other milestone, a purely graphical milestone, which has no impact whatsoever on the data
  • The sessions are purely graphic elements. They will appear as a blue rectangle in the overview graph and represent practical work sessions

Quick start : using Git4School for the first time

  1. Login
    The first thing to do is to log in with your Github account. You will be redirected to the Github login page where you can also authorize or request access to your organization’s repositories. Once logged in, you will be redirected to Git4School. See more about authentication

  2. Add an assignment
    Add an assignment by clicking on the plus button on the home page. In the window that opens, enter a title, the questions to be completed in your assignment sheet and save. Then, in the repositories tab, add your students’ repositories and save and exit the window. See more about configuring an assignment

  3. Select the newly added assignment
    Once added, you can select the assignment by clicking on the blue button with an arrow which will load the data and take you to the overview graph.

  4. Add milestones
    From the page you just landed on, you can click anywhere on the graph to add milestones. Choose the type of milestone, the questions concerned and confirm. The commits are colored directly according to the added milestones. See more about configuring milestones

  5. Here you go !
    You have just set up your first assignment ! You can add or delete repositories, milestones or sessions at any time in its configuration page. You will find more information about the features of the application in the other pages of this documentation. See more about graphs


If you encounter any bugs, feel free to open an issue on Github, we will deal with it as soon as possible !
